Diffusing Tension in the Workplace

It is virtually impossible to go through life and not utilize or apply some level of emotion when encountering people or situations.  With the immense amount of diverse pressures currently placed on many people, it is no surprise that some have allocated their frustrations inappropriately.  Those of us with full time employment spend a hefty… read more

Taking the Initiative in the Workplace!

Working for a Staffing Agency in the Property Management industry, I’m constantly asking Managers for feedback on what they look for in their employees. One common comment is that they like people who take the initiative. Since we do a lot of temporary placements, this comment extends to people who are working at a property… read more

Professional People’s Opportunities

PPO = Professional People’s Opportunities This is what I refer to Renoir Staffing, LLC as. Renoir has a plethora of professional people, resources, and opportunities to assist you in your career move, change of industry, sharpening of your skills, or just exploring other areas of interest. Some resources include: CAA – California Apartment Association and… read more

Benefits of Working as a Temporary Employee to Get Your Foot in the Door

Whether you’re looking for entry into a better company, a professional opportunity in an entirely new industry, or just needing to expand your employment options, registering with the right staffing firm can make the difference for you. At Renoir Staffing, LLC we hire year-round for candidates with specialized property management and Real Estate background.  Career… read more

To Staff or Not To Staff?

Have you ever thought about either using a staffing company as a resource for a job or have you thought about going through a temp agency to find that perfect candidate that you do not have time to look for? Many times I have heard hiring managers say, “I would never hire a temp! Temps… read more

Making A Great First Impression

Dressed appropriately?  Check.  Directions are intact and planning to arrive early to the interview?  Check.  Printed two additional copies of resume and ready to interview?  Check, check! These are usually the main factors we generally focus on when bracing ourselves for that one interview opportunity that could catapult our careers on the road to success. … read more

Organized Office=Smoother Day

Too many of us working folks end up with lost phone numbers, forgotten files, or a desk so messy that you can’t even see the desk itself. Organizing an office or making any sense of the mess at work can seem like a tumultuous task, so here are a few things that I use to… read more

Communicating In A New Workplace

Superior communication skills will set you apart from the rest. How often have we all suffered a setback in the workplace due to miscommunication? It’s simple enough to occur, especially when it’s been awhile since we last fine-tuned our listening skills. Often, the success of a team is built on the foundation of good communication,… read more