The Current Climate in both the Staffing and Property Management Industry: “How to retain and attract good residents and staff”

There has been a lot of positive movement and strong indicators of growth and opportunity that we have seen recently in that past few months in both the staffing and property management industries.  As the demand for rentals has increased in the housing market, the need for more qualified staff on both a temporary and… read more

Preparing Your Business for the New Year

Is your office ready to take on the New Year? We found an excellent website, Valen’s Point (, and we had to share with you their tips on how to make 2012 the most productive and prosperous year yet! Here are their 4 recommendations in improving your business ventures this year: 1. Review Current Projects:… read more

Cover Letter and Resume Tips

It’s no secret that there are a lot of job seekers out there right now, and a limited number of positions open. We’ve heard the statistics: one job posting receiving as much as a couple hundred resumes from job seekers. How are you supposed to compete?! We’ve given you interview tips in the past (not… read more

A Realistic & Solid Approach to Multitasking

We have all been there, ‘there’ being the ever so isolating and energy-draining lure that every Monday morning seems to engulf us in once we walk into our work space ready for administrative combat.  From having to address numerous emails that all seem time sensitive to racing from meeting upon meeting while still fitting in… read more

Organized Office=Smoother Day

Too many of us working folks end up with lost phone numbers, forgotten files, or a desk so messy that you can’t even see the desk itself. Organizing an office or making any sense of the mess at work can seem like a tumultuous task, so here are a few things that I use to… read more